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Differentiated exophytic vulvar intraepithelial lesions are genetically distinct from keratinizing squamous cell carcinomas and contain mutations in PIK3CA.


Watkins JC,Howitt BE,Horowitz NS,Ritterhouse LL,Dong F,MacConaill LE,Garcia E,Lindeman NI,Lee LJ,Berkowitz RS,Nucci MR,Crum CP
阅读:1608 Modern PathologyMar 2017; 30 (3): 316 - 469:448-458 


Human papillomavirus-negative keratinizing vulvar cancers typically harbor TP53 mutations as do their precursors, differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. However, atypical verruciform proliferations are also associated with these malignancies and their pathogenesis is poorly understood. This study compared 11 atypical verruciform lesions, including atypical verruciform hyperplasia, vulvar acanthosis with altered differentiation, and verruciform lichen simplex chronicus, with 14 human papillomavirus-negative keratinizing squamous cell carcinomas. Extracted tissue DNA was subjected to targeted massively parallel sequencing of the exonic regions of 300 genes. Eight (73%) and six (55%) of eleven atypical verruciform lesions contained mutations in PIK3CA and ARID2, respectively. No TP53 mutations were identified. Eleven (79%) and five (36%) of fourteen keratinizing squamous cell carcinomas tested contained TP53 and CDKN2A mutations, respectively. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinomas displayed the majority of copy number variations with some variations (7p gain and 8p loss) shared by some cases in both groups. One patient developed atypical verruciform lesions with PIK3CA mutations followed by a keratinizing carcinoma with mutations in both PIK3CA and TP53. This study, for the first time segregates atypical verruciform lesions by virtue of a unique genotype (PIK3CA mutant/TP53 wild type) illustrating an example of progression to a TP53-mutated keratinizing carcinoma. The findings indicate that although PIK3CA mutations are found in <10% of vulvar squamous cell carcinomas, they may be specific for a particular pathway involving atypical verruciform lesions, which could function as either a direct precursor or a risk factor for vulvar squamous cell carcinoma. Given the presence of a molecular signature, we propose the term 'differentiated exophytic vulvar intraepithelial lesion' for this group. Whether they function as direct precursors to a less common form of squamous cell carcinoma will require further study, but carcinomas associated with these lesions might warrant testing for PIK3CA mutations to address this question.



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