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Activating cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2 (CYSLTR2) mutations in blue nevi.


Möller I,Murali R,Müller H,Wiesner T,Jackett LA,Scholz SL,Cosgarea I,van de Nes JA,Sucker A,Hillen U,Schilling B,Paschen A,Kutzner H,Rütten A,Böckers M,Scolyer RA,Schadendorf D,Griewank KG
阅读:1085 Modern PathologyMar 2017; 30 (3): 316 - 469:350-356 


Blue nevi are common melanocytic tumors arising in the dermal layer of the skin. Similar to uveal melanomas, blue nevi frequently harbor GNAQ and GNA11 mutations. Recently, recurrent CYSLTR2 and PLCB4 mutations were identified in uveal melanomas not harboring GNAQ or GNA11 mutations. All four genes (GNAQ, GNA11, CYSLTR2, and PLCB4) code for proteins involved in the same signaling pathway, which is activated by mutations in these genes. Given the related functional consequences of these mutations and the known genetic similarities between uveal melanoma and blue nevi, we analyzed a cohort of blue nevi to investigate whether CYSLTR2 and PLCB4 mutations occur in tumors lacking GNAQ or GNA11 mutations (as in uveal melanoma). A targeted next-generation sequencing assay covering known activating mutations in GNAQ, GNA11, CYSLTR2, PLCB4, KIT, NRAS, and BRAF was applied to 103 blue nevi. As previously reported, most blue nevi were found to harbor activating mutations in GNAQ (59%, n=61), followed by less frequent mutations in GNA11 (16%, n=17). Additionally, one BRAF (1%) and three NRAS (3%) mutations were detected. In three tumors (3%) harboring none of the aforementioned gene alterations, CYSLTR2 mutations were identified. All three CYSLTR2 mutations were the same c.386T>A, L129Q mutation previously identified in uveal melanoma that has been shown to lead to increased receptor activation and signaling. In summary, our study identifies CYSLTR2 L129Q alterations as a previously unrecognized activating mutation in blue nevi, occuring in a mutually exclusive fashion with known GNAQ and GNA11 mutations. Similar to GNAQ and GNA11 mutations, CYSLTR2 mutations, when present, are likely defining pathogenetic events in blue nevi.


蓝痣是常发生于皮肤真皮层中的黑素细胞肿瘤。与葡萄膜黑色素瘤类似,蓝痣常携带GNAQ和GNA11突变。最近在不含GNAQ或GNA11突变的葡萄膜黑素瘤中鉴定出CYSLTR2和PLCB4突变。这四个基因(GNAQ,GNA11,CYSLTR2和PLCB4)突变激活编码的蛋白质涉及相同的信号通路。鉴于这些突变引发的相关功能改变以及葡萄膜黑色素瘤与蓝痣之间已知的遗传相似性,我们分析了一组蓝痣以研究CYSLTR2和PLCB4突变是否发生在缺乏GNAQ或GNA11突变的肿瘤中(与葡萄膜黑素瘤类似)。用下一代靶向测序法对103例蓝痣进行GNAQ、GNA11、CYSLTR2、PLCB4、KIT、NRAS和BRAF突变测定。如前所述,大多数蓝痣发现存在GNAQ(59%,n=61)活化突变,其次是GNA11有较少频率的突变(16%,n=17)。另外有一例存在BRAF(1%)突变、三例存在NRAS(3%)突变。在没有上述基因改变的三例肿瘤(3%)中,检测出CYSLTR2突变,这三例肿瘤的CYSLTR2突变都是相同的c.368T>A、L129Q突变,先前在葡萄膜黑素瘤中检测出该突变能增强受体活性和信号传导。综上所述,我们的研究鉴定了发生在蓝痣以前未被认识的CYSLTR2 L129Q活化突变,该突变与已知的GNAQ和GNA11突变以相互排斥的方式发生。与GNAQ和GNA11突变相似,CYSLTR2突变可能是蓝痣致病因素。

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