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Pattern classification of endocervical adenocarcinoma: reproducibility and review of criteria.


Rutgers JK,Roma AA,Park KJ,Zaino RJ,Johnson A,Alvarado I,Daya D,Rasty G,Longacre TA,Ronnett BM,Silva EG
阅读:1461 Modern PathologyAug 2016; 29 (9): 1004 - 1113:1083-94 


Previously, our international team proposed a three-tiered pattern classification (Pattern Classification) system for endocervical adenocarcinoma of the usual type that correlates with nodal disease and recurrence. Pattern Classification-A tumors have well-demarcated glands lacking destructive stromal invasion or lymphovascular invasion, Pattern Classification-B tumors show localized, limited destructive invasion arising from A-type glands, and Pattern Classification-C tumors have diffuse destructive stromal invasion, significant (filling a 4 × field) confluence, or solid architecture. Twenty-four cases of Pattern Classification-A, 22 Pattern Classification-B, and 38 Pattern Classification-C from the tumor set used in the original description were chosen using the reference diagnosis originally established. One H&E slide per case was reviewed by seven gynecologic pathologists, four from the original study. Kappa statistics were prepared, and cases with discrepancies reviewed. We found a majority agreement with reference diagnosis in 81% of cases, with complete or near-complete (six of seven) agreement in 50%. Overall concordance was 74%. Overall kappa (agreement among pathologists) was 0.488 (moderate agreement). Pattern Classification-B has lowest kappa, and agreement was not improved by combining B+C. Six of seven reviewers had substantial agreement by weighted kappas (>0.6), with one reviewer accounting for the majority of cases under or overcalled by two tiers. Confluence filling a 4 × field, labyrinthine glands, or solid architecture accounted for undercalling other reference diagnosis-C cases. Missing a few individually infiltrative cells was the most common cause of undercalling reference diagnosis-B. Small foci of inflamed, loose or desmoplastic stroma lacking infiltrative tumor cells in reference diagnosis-A appeared to account for those cases up-graded to Pattern Classification-B. In summary, an overall concordance of 74% indicates that the criteria can be reproducibly applied by gynecologic pathologists. Further refinement of criteria should allow use of this powerful classification system to delineate which cervical adenocarcinomas can be safely treated conservatively.



我们选取原始研究中采用过的24例A型、22例B型和38例C型病例,应用先前建立的参考诊断标准进行回顾研究。每个病例选取一张HE切片,分别由七位妇科病理专家进行读片,其中四位曾参与先前的研究。我们做了Kappa系数统计,对诊断不一致的病例进行了复审。我们发现81%的病例与诊断参考标准高度一致,50%病例完全或接近完全一致(6/7人)。整体一致性为74%。整体Kappa系数(所有病理学家均一致)为0.488(中度一致)。B型 kappa值最低;B 型和 C型合并统计,一致性没有提高。加权kappa值(> 0.6)显示七名病理学家中有六人具有高度一致性,剩下的一位则是在两个类型之间低诊断或过诊断的主要责任人。其它参考标准应为C型而低诊断的病例,主要是没有把握融合腺体充满一个4×视野、具有复杂腺体或实性结构的特征。导致B型病例低诊断的原因主要是忽略了单个肿瘤细胞的浸润。微小的炎性反应灶、疏松的或有促纤维组织增生反应但缺乏肿瘤细胞浸润的间质,是导致A型病例过诊断为B型的主要原因


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