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Significance of myelodysplastic syndrome-associated somatic variants in the evaluation of patients with pancytopenia and idiopathic cytopenias of undetermined significance.


Fernandez-Pol S,Ma L,Ohgami RS,Arber DA
阅读:1581 Modern PathologyAug 2016; 29 (9): 1004 - 1113:996-1003 


In this study, we set out to evaluate the frequency of mutations in 20 myelodysplastic syndrome-associated genes in 53 individuals with pancytopenia in which bone marrow evaluation failed to meet standard criteria for a diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome. These idiopathic pancytopenia cases were associated with no specific cause for their pancytopenia (n=28), aplastic anemia (n=13), pancytopenia attributable to liver disease (n=4), pancytopenia associated with autoimmune disease (n=4), and pancytopenia attributed to drug effect (n=4). We also selected 38 bone marrow aspirates from patients presenting with pancytopenia and meeting criteria for a diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome (n=21) or acute myeloid leukemia (n=17) as malignant comparison cases. Targeted sequencing of the 20 genes was performed on all cases. The idiopathic pancytopenia group had a lower average age (46 vs 66 years, P<0.0001) and a lower number of mutations per case that were statistically significant (0.81 vs 1.18, P=0.045). The frequency of cases with at least one mutation was higher for cases with a diagnosable myeloid neoplasm (68 vs 38%, P=0.012). Except for mutations in U2AF1, which was mutated in 5 of the 38 malignant cases (13.2%) and in none of the idiopathic pancytopenia cases (P=0.011), the frequency of mutations in the genes evaluated was not significantly different between idiopathic pancytopenia and malignant cases. Median and mean clinical follow-up for the idiopathic pancytopenia group was available for 444 and 739 days, respectively. Over this time frame, none of the idiopathic pancytopenia patients was diagnosed with a myelodysplastic syndrome or an acute myeloid leukemia. These findings provide further evidence that identification of mutations in several genes associated with myelodysplastic syndromes should not be used alone to support a diagnosis of a myelodysplastic syndrome.



我们选取了38例患者的骨髓样本作为恶性对照,包括骨髓穿刺达到骨髓增生异常综合征诊断标准(n = 21) 或急性髓系白血病(n = 17)患者。我们检测了这20个基因在所有样本中的目的序列。

统计发现,特发性全血细胞减少症组平均年龄较低(46 vs 66 岁,P < 0.0001) ,且每个个体突变数目较低 (0.81 vs 1.18,P = 0.045),以上结果都具有统计学意义。至少有一个基因突变的频率高于已明确诊断的髓样肿瘤(68 vs 38%, P=0.012)。U2AF1基因在38例恶性对照中有5例(13.2%)发生突变,而在特发性全血细胞减少症组没有突变 (P = 0.011),基因突变的频率评估显示,在特发性全血细胞减少症和恶性对照组中并无显著差异。特发性全血细胞减少症组临床随访时间的中位数和均值分别是444 和 739 天。在此时间范围内,没有特发性全血细胞减少症患者被确诊为骨髓增生异常综合征或急性髓细胞白血病。


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