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The flowering of pathology as a medical discipline in Boston, 1892-c.1950: W.T. Councilman, FB Mallory, JH Wright, SB Wolbach and their descendants.

1892年至1950年前后,W.T. Councilman、FB Mallory、JH Wright、SB Wolbach与其继任者使医学分支的病理之花在波士顿绽放

Louis DN,O'Brien MJ,Young RH


During most of the nineteenth century, the discipline of pathology in Boston made substantial strides as a result of physicians and surgeons who practiced pathology on a part-time basis. The present essay tells the subsequent story, beginning in 1892, when full-time pathologists begin to staff the medical schools and hospitals of Boston. Three individuals from this era deserve special mention: William T Councilman, Frank Burr Mallory and James Homer Wright, with Councilman remembered primarily as a visionary and teacher, Mallory as a trainer of many pathologists, and Wright as a scientist. Together with S Burt Wolbach in the early-to-mid-twentieth century, these pathologists went on to train the next generation of pathologists-a generation that then populated the various hospitals that were developed in Boston in the early 1900s. This group of seminal pathologists in turn formed the diagnostically strong, academically productive, pathology departments that grew in Boston over the remainder of the twentieth century.



在这个时代,有三位病理学家应受到特殊的缅怀:William T Councilman、Frank Burr Mallory和James Homer Wright。其中Councilman被铭记主要是因为他的远见卓识和教师的身份,Mallory则培训了大量的病理学家,而Wright则是一位科学家。连同二十世纪初中期的S Burt Wolbach在内,这些病理学家们培养了一代又一代二十世纪早期在波士顿众多医院里工作的病理学家。这些继任的病理学家诊断能力强、学术水平硬,进而形成了二十世纪后期波士顿病理学科遍地开花的局面。

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