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MYB Labeling by Immunohistochemistry Is More Sensitive and Specific for Breast Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma than MYB Labeling by FISH.


Poling JS,Yonescu R,Subhawong AP,Sharma R,Argani P,Ning Y,Cimino-Mathews A


Breast adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a primary breast carcinoma that, like salivary gland ACC, displays the t(6;9) translocation resulting in the MYB-NFIB gene fusion and immunopositivity for MYB by immunohistochemistry (IHC). However, it is not well established whether MYB immunoreactivity or rearrangement can be used to support a diagnosis of ACC in a malignant basaloid or benign cribriform breast lesion. Whole sections of primary breast ACC (n=11), collagenous spherulosis (CS; n=7), and microglandular adenosis (MGA; n=5) and tissue microarrays containing 16 basal-like, triple-negative breast carcinomas (TNBC) were labeled for MYB by IHC and underwent MYB fluorescence in situ hybridization using a break-apart probe. Strong, diffuse nuclear MYB labeling was seen in 100% ACC compared with no cases of basal-like TNBC, CS, or MGA (P=0.0001). Any degree of nuclear MYB labeling was seen in 100% ACC compared with 54% of all other cases (P=0.007), with any labeling seen in 71% CS, 63% basal-like TNBC, and 0% MGA. MYB rearrangement was detected in 89% (8/9) of evaluable ACC compared with 4% (1/26) of all other evaluable cases (P=0.0001), with a rearrangement detected in 1 (7%; n=1/15) evaluable basal-like TNBC. Strong, diffuse nuclear labeling for MYB is more sensitive than MYB fluorescence in situ hybridization for breast ACC and can be used to support a diagnosis of ACC in a cribriform or basaloid lesion in the breast. However, weak and focal labeling should be interpreted with caution as it can be seen in other benign cribriform and malignant basaloid lesions.


乳腺腺样囊性癌(ACC)是一种原发的乳腺癌,就如同涎腺的ACC一样,具有t(6;9)易位导致MYB-NFIB基因融合和MYB免疫组织化学(IHC)阳性着色。然而,目前尚不明确的是MYB的免疫反应性或重排在恶性基底细胞样或良性筛孔状乳腺病变中是否可作为ACC的诊断依据。所有原发性乳腺ACC(n=11)、胶原小球病(CS,n=7)和微腺型腺病(MGA,n=5)的玻片以及包括16例基底细胞样三阴型乳腺癌(TNBC)在内的组织芯片均行MYB的IHC标记,并运用分离探针进行MYB的原位荧光杂交。MYB标记物弥漫强烈的核着色在100%的ACC中可观察到,而基底细胞样TNBC、CS或MGA相较而言未出现上述现象(P=0.0001)。MYB微弱的核着色在100%的ACC中可被观察到,与其相比较的是所有其他病例54%可出现微弱核着色(P=0.007),分别是71%的CS、63%的基底细胞样TNBC和0%的MGA。MYB的重排在89% (8/9) 的可评估ACC中检测到,与之相对应的是所有其他病例为4%(1/26)可被检测到(P=0.0001),1例(7%;n=1/15) 可评估的基底细胞样TNBC中发现重排。乳腺ACC中MYB弥漫强烈的核着色较MYB原位杂交更为敏感,并且可用来支持基底细胞样或筛孔状乳腺病变中ACC的诊断。然而,微弱或局灶的着色应该引起重视,因为在其他良性筛孔状和恶性基底细胞样病变中也可出现。

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