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Heterogeneity of Metastatic Melanoma:  Correlation of MITF With Its Transcriptional Targets MLSN1, PEDF, HMB-45, and MART-1.

转移性黑色素瘤的异质性:MITF表达同其转录靶点MLSN1、PEDF、HMB-45 和MART-1的关系

Zand S,Buzney E,Duncan LM,Dadras SS


Histologic and molecular heterogeneity is well recognized in malignant melanoma; however, the diversity of expression of new and classic melanoma markers has not been correlated in serial sections of metastases.
We examined and correlated the expression of microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF) with its transcriptional targets, including melastatin (MLSN1/TRPM1), pigment epithelium-derived factor (SERPINF1/PEDF), SILV/PMEL17/GP100 (human melanoma black 45 [HMB-45]), and melanoma antigen recognized by T cells 1 (MART-1)/MLANA, in 13 melanoma metastases in lymph nodes of 13 patients. The expression levels and patterns of marker expression were recorded by a semiquantitative, 4-point ordinal reactivity method.
Our results showed a consistently robust and diffuse expression of MITF protein in 12 (92%) of 13 metastatic tumors compared with variable expression of MLSN1 (46%) messenger RNA or PEDF (75%), HMB-45 (54%), and MART-1 (46%) proteins.
Overall, in melanoma lymph node metastases, MITF protein expression was not tightly correlated with its gene targets. Moreover, the immunoreactivity for MITF, compared with MART-1 and HMB-45, was retained, supporting immunohistochemical detection of MITF as a more sensitive method of detecting metastatic melanoma.



本文选取13例转移性黑色素瘤患者淋巴结内转移的恶性黑色素瘤组织,研究了MITF(小眼转录因子)同其转录靶点,包括melastatin(瞬时受体电位离子通道蛋白1抗体)、色素上皮衍生因子(SERPINF1/PEDF)、SILV/PMEL17/GP100 (人黑色素瘤抗原45[HMB-45])以及T细胞识别的黑色素瘤抗原-1(MART-1)/MLANA表达之间的相关性。各标志物表达的方式及表达水平进行半定量分析,按染色强度分4级。

结果表明,13例转移肿瘤中,有12例(92%)显示MITF蛋白持续高且弥漫性表达,而MLSN1的mRNA水平(46%)、PEDF (75%)、HMB-45 (54%)以及MART-1(46%)表达不一。总之,淋巴结转移的黑色素瘤中,MITF蛋白水平与其基因靶点表达水平并无密切相关。另外,同MART-1和HMB-45相比,MITF的染色活性相对恒定,这也提示在诊断转移性黑色素瘤中,使用MITF染色敏感性更强。

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