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Thoracic Myoepithelial Tumors: A Pathologic and Molecular Study of 8 Cases With Review of the Literature.


Leduc C,Zhang L,Öz B,Luo J,Fukuoka J,Antonescu CR,Travis WD


Thoracic myoepithelial tumors (MTs) are a rare group of tumors showing predominant or exclusive myoepithelial differentiation. They are poorly characterized from both a morphologic and genetic standpoint, in particular features that separate benign from malignant behavior. We examined the histologic and immunohistochemical features of 8 primary thoracic MTs and performed fluorescence in situ hybridization for EWSR1, FUS, PLAG1, and HMGA2, as well as several partner genes. Half (4/8) of the MTs occurred in large airways, and 3 had infiltrative borders. All cases showed immunoreactivity for epithelial markers, in conjunction with S100 protein or myogenic markers. MTs showed morphologic characteristics analogous to MTs at other sites, with no tumors having ductal differentiation. Necrosis and/or lymphovascular invasion was present in 5 cases, with mitotic activity ranging from 0 to 6 mitoses/2 mm (mean 1). Metastases occurred in 2 cases, and no patients died of disease. Gene rearrangements were identified in half of the cases, with EWSR1-PBX1, EWSR1-ZNF444, and FUS-KLF17 fusions identified in 1 case each and 1 case having EWSR1 rearrangement with no partner identified. No cases were found to have HMGA2 or PLAG1 abnormalities. Compared with fusion-negative tumors, fusion-positive tumors tended to occur in patients who were younger (50 vs. 58 y), female (1:3 vs. 3:1 male:female ratio), and demonstrated predominantly spindle and clear cell morphology. Using a combined data set of our case series with 16 cases from the literature, poor prognosis was significantly correlated with metastases (P=0.003), necrosis (P=0.027), and ≥5 mitoses/2 mm/10 high-power field (P=0.005). In summary, we identify a subset of thoracic MTs harboring rearrangements in EWSR1 or FUS, and our data suggest that necrosis and increased mitotic activity correlate with aggressive clinical behavior.


胸部的肌上皮肿瘤(MTs)是一组罕见的肿瘤,表现为单一肌上皮分化或以肌上皮分化为主。这组肿瘤在形态学和遗传学上均无明显特征,特别是良、恶性生物学行为难以确定。我们检测了8例原发于胸部的MTs和免疫组织化学特征,并对EWSR1FUSPLAG1HMG2及部分伴随基因进行荧光原位杂交。MTs一半病例(4/8)发生于大气道,3例边界有浸润。所有病例免疫组化显示上皮标记,同时表达S-100蛋白或肌源性标记。MTs与其他部位肌上皮肿瘤形态相似,无导管分化。5例有坏死和/或脉管浸润,核分裂活性06/2mm(平均1个),2例发生转移,无死亡病例。一半病例进行了基因重排检测,1例有EWSR1-PBX1、EWSR1-ZNF444FUS-KLF17基因融合,1例有EWSR1 基因重排而无伴随基因异常,所有病例未发现有 HMGA2 PLAG1基因异常。有基因融合的病例常比基因未融合者年轻(前者50岁,后者58岁);有基因融合者女性较多(男 :女比例在前者为13,后者为31),形态学主要显示梭形细胞和透明细胞。综合文献报道的16例和我们的数据表明,预后差的原因明显与转移(p=0.003)、坏死(p=0.027)、核分裂5/2mm/10HPF(p=0.005)有关。结果表明:我们检测的一组胸部MTs EWSR1 FUS基因重排,同时我们数据也表明坏死和核分裂活性增加与临床生物学行为的进展有关。

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