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Metastases to the Pancreas Encountered on Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided, Fine-Needle Aspiration.



Metastatic lesions in the pancreas are very uncommon and may be difficult to differentiate from the more commonly encountered primary neoplasms derived from the exocrine and endocrine pancreas because of the significant overlap in clinical presentation, imaging, and cytologic features. Metastasis to the pancreas may occur years after treatment of the primary neoplasm and is often not considered on initial evaluation because of the rarity of such events. The possibility of a metastasis to the pancreas should be entertained in patients with any prior history of malignancy because a proper diagnosis is essential in identifying surgical candidates, or avoiding potentially unnecessary surgery and facilitating triage to more appropriate nonoperative therapy. Herein, we describe intrapancreatic metastases secondary to renal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and lung carcinoma, as documented by cytologic examination of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of the pancreatic masses.


胰腺转移癌非常罕见,而且很难与外分泌和内分泌来源的常见胰腺原发肿瘤区别,因为两者在临床表现、影像及细胞特征上非常相似 。原发肿瘤在治疗后数年也可发生胰腺转移,而且因为很罕见,首诊常未能考虑到。对于有恶性肿瘤史的病人都应该考虑到有胰腺转移的可能性,因为准确的诊断对于确定是否手术、避免可能不必要手术以及选择更恰当的非手术治疗是必要的。本文描述了肾细胞癌、黑色素瘤和肺癌的胰腺转移肿物超声内镜引导下细针穿刺所见。
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