Current cervical cancer screening guidelines recommend screening with a Papanicolaou (Pap) test or by cotesting (Pap and human papillomavirus [HPV]). Given the importance of high-risk HPV (hrHPV) infection in the development of cervical cancer, some studies are now suggesting the use of primary hrHPV testing as a possible screening modality. To gain further insight into the role of both Pap testing and hrHPV testing, the authors examined prior screening results in a population of Chinese patients with invasive cervical carcinoma.
Cases with a histologic diagnosis of invasive cervical carcinoma were retrieved from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University from January 2011 to October 2014. Prior hrHPV testing and Pap test results within 3 years before the cancer diagnosis were recorded.
Of 3714 patients with invasive cervical carcinoma, over a 46-month period, 525 had prior hrHPV testing using Hybrid Capture 2 within 3 years and 238 patients had Pap cytology testing within 1 year before the histological diagnosis. Within the 1-year period before diagnosis, the overall hrHPV-negative rate was 15.5% (74 of 477 patients) and the Pap-negative rate was also 15.5% (37 of 238 patients). Only 9 of 231 patients with both hrHPV testing and Pap testing (3.9%) had a double-negative result. Compared with squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma has significantly higher rates of prior negative results with both hrHPV and Pap cytology.
The results of the current study demonstrated prior results of hrHPV testing and Pap cytology in a population of women in China who had not undergone intensive prior screening. Both hrHPV testing and Pap cytology were found to have similar negative rates in this population and, not surprisingly, there were fewer women who had negative testing results using both testing modalities. Cancer (Cancer Cytopathol) 2015;123:421-7. © 2015 American Cancer Society.
目前,宫颈癌筛查指南推荐使用巴氏检测或通过联合检测(巴氏和人乳头瘤病毒[HPV])进行筛查。鉴于高危型HPV(hrHPV)感染在宫颈癌发展过程中的重要性,现在的一些研究建议使用初级hrHPV检测作为一种可能的筛查方法。为了获得对巴氏检测和hrHPV检测两者更深的认识,本文作者对先前筛查结果为浸润性宫颈癌的中国患者人群进行了研究。 检索复旦大学附属妇产科医院2011年1月至2014年10月间组织学诊断为浸润性宫颈癌的病例。记录在诊断宫颈癌之前3年内所进行的hrHPV检测和巴氏检测结果。在46个月所诊断的3714例浸润性宫颈癌患者中,525例患者在组织学诊断之前3年内采用杂交捕获2代进行了hrHPV检测,238例患者在组织学诊断之前1年内进行了巴氏细胞学检测。在组织学诊断之前的1年内,总体hrHPV阴性率为15.5%(74/477),同时巴氏检测阴性率也为15.5%(37/238)。231例患者进行了hrHPV和巴氏联合检测,其中9例(3.9%)为双阴性结果。与鳞状细胞癌相比,腺癌在先前hrHPV和巴氏细胞学两者均为阴性结果患者中的发病率显著增高。 目前的研究结果显示了中国妇女早期所进行的hrHPV检测和巴氏细胞学结果,提示这一人群并没有进行彻底的早期筛查。在这一人群中,hrHPV检测和巴氏细胞学两者具有相似的阴性率,并且不足为怪的是,筛查结果阴性的女性中很少有人采用联合检测方法。