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A single slide multiplex assay for the evaluation of classical Hodgkin lymphoma.

Hollman-Hewgley D,Lazare M,Bordwell A,Zebadua E,Tripathi P,Ross AS,Fisher D,Adams A,Bouman D,O'Malley DP,Weiss LM


Classical Hodgkin lymphoma can be diagnosed with confidence in the majority of cases, but there is a significant subset that remains a diagnostic challenge. The authors have investigated the utility of a novel hyperplexing technology, MultiOmyx™, which may be applied to stain with >60 antibodies on single tissue sections from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue as an aid to the diagnosis of classical Hodgkin lymphoma. The multiplexing protocol included CD30, CD15, PAX-5, CD20, CD79a, CD45, BOB.1, OCT-2, and CD3 antibodies. The technology showed a high degree of sensitivity, specificity, and precision. Comparison studies with routine hematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemical assessment of hematopathology cases in which classical Hodgkin lymphoma was included in the differential diagnosis showed concordance in 54 of 56 cases, with the 2 discordant cases illustrating the potential of this multiplexed immunofluorescence technology to improve on traditional immunohistochemistry for classical Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis. This technology is practical for routine diagnosis and may be particularly useful in cases in which the sample size is limited, few Hodgkin-like cells are present, or in CD30-positive lymphoma cases with difficult morphology. MultiOmyx may potentially benefit other areas of research and diagnostic pathology.


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