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Esophageal leukoplakia or epidermoid metaplasia: a clinicopathological study of 18 patients.


Singhi AD,Arnold CA,Crowder CD,Lam-Himlin DM,Voltaggio L,Montgomery EA


Oral leukoplakia is a relatively common, painless disorder of the oral mucosa. It predominantly affects middle-aged to elderly men and has a strong association with tobacco smoking and alcohol intake. Concomitant histological findings of hyperorthokeratosis and a well-developed granular cell layer, termed orthokeratotic dysplasia, are often associated with oral squamous cell carcinoma. In contrast, analogous lesions within the esophagus, termed esophageal epidermoid metaplasia, are rarely encountered and poorly described in the literature. To better characterize the clinicopathological features of this entity, we have collected 25 cases from 18 patients. Patients ranged in age from 37 to 81 years (mean, 61.5 years), with a slight female predominance (10/18, 56%). On presentation, a majority of patients complained of dysphagia (10/18, 56%). Past medical history was significant for tobacco smoking or long history of second-hand smoke in 11 (61%) patients and alcohol intake in 7 (39%) patients. Seventeen (94%) patients with esophageal epidermoid metaplasia were located within the middle-to-distal esophagus. Histologically, all cases were sharply demarcated and characterized by epithelial hyperplasia, a thickened basal layer, acanthotic midzone, a prominent granular cell layer, and superficial hyperorthokeratosis. Adjacent high-grade squamous dysplasia and/or squamous cell carcinoma were seen in 3 out of 18 (17%) patients. Follow-up information was available for 13 out of 18 (72%) patients and ranged from 2 to 8.3 years (mean, 2.3 years). Seven of the 13 (54%) patients had persistent disease; however, none of them developed squamous dysplasia or squamous cell carcinoma. In an effort to assess the incidence of esophageal epidermoid metaplasia, 198 consecutive esophageal biopsies were prospectively surveyed over a 6-month period at three academic institutions. No cases were identified within this time frame. In summary, esophageal epidermoid metaplasia is a rare condition affecting the middle-to-distal esophagus in middle-aged to elderly females. The occurrence of adjacent high-grade squamous dysplasia and/or squamous cell carcinoma warrants close follow-up.


口腔粘膜白斑是一类相对比较常见的,无痛性的口腔粘膜疾病。主要影响中老年人群,与吸烟和饮酒密切相关。组织学上伴有过度正角化和分化良好的颗粒细胞层,称之为正角化异常增生,通常与口腔鳞状细胞癌有关。相对地,食管内的类似病变,称之为食管表皮样化生,非常罕见,文献也描述不详。为了更好地描述该疾病的临床病理特征,我们收集了来自18位患者的25例标本。患者年龄范围在37至81岁不等(平均年龄,61.5岁),女性稍多 (10/18, 56%)。表现方面,大部分患者主诉吞咽困难 (10/18, 56%)。既往史中有11例 (61%)患者有嗜烟或长期二手烟吸入史,7例(39%)患者有饮酒史。17例(94%)伴有食管表皮样化生的患者,病变位于食管中-下段。组织学上,所有病例境界清楚,表现为上皮增生,基底层增厚,棘层居中,颗粒细胞层突出,表皮角化过度,18例患者中有3例 (17%)邻近区域可见高级别鳞状上皮非典型增生和/或鳞状细胞癌。18例患者中有13例(72%)获取了随访资料,范围由2-8.3年不等 (平均, 2.3 years)。13例患者中有7例 (54%),病变长期存在,但无一例发展成为鳞状上皮非典型增生和鳞状细胞癌。为了评估食管表皮样化生的发病率,我们6个月内在三个学术机构连续进行了198例食管活检,来进行前瞻性研究。在该时间段内未有发现病例。总之,食管表皮样化生是一种主要发生于中老年人群,累及食管中-下段的罕见病变。邻近区域如出现高级别鳞状上皮非典型增生和/或鳞状细胞癌,要注意密切随访。 

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