Certification by the American Board of Pathology (ABPath) is a valued credential that serves patients, families, and the public and improves patient care. The ABPath establishes professional and educational standards and assesses the knowledge of candidates for initial certification in pathology. Diplomates certified in 2006 and thereafter are required to participate in Continuing Certification (CC; formerly Maintenance of Certification) in order to maintain certification.
To inform and update the pathology community on the history of board certification, the requirements for CC, ABPath CertLink, changes to the CC program, and ABPath compliance with recommendations from the American Board of Medical Specialties Vision Commission; and to demonstrate the value of CC participation for diplomates with non-time-limited certification.
This review uses ABPath archived minutes of the CC Committee and the Board of Trustees, the ABPath CC Booklet of Information, the collective knowledge of the ABPath staff and trustees, and the American Board of Medical Specialties 2018-2019 Board Certification Report.
The ABPath continues to update the CC program to make it more relevant and meaningful and less burdensome for diplomates. Adding ABPath CertLink to the program has been a significant enhancement for the assessment of medical knowledge and has been well received by diplomates.