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Unexpected gynecologic neoplasms in patients with proven or suspected BRCA-1 or -2 mutations: implications for gross examination, cytology, and clinical follow-up.

Agoff SN,Mendelin JE,Grieco VS,Garcia RL


Identification of inheritable mutations associated with the development of malignancy has led to prophylactic surgeries to remove tissues at risk. We report seven unrelated patients with family histories of breast and/or ovarian cancer, five of whom underwent prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy with hysterectomy. Four had proven BRCA-1 or -2 mutations. Malignant cells were found unexpectedly in the peritoneal washings of two patients, leading to the discovery of early-stage fallopian tube carcinoma. After changing the sampling technique at our institution, two more cases of unexpected fallopian tube carcinoma in situ were discovered. Another patient had a significant family history and underwent hysterectomy for uterine fibroids, leading to the discovery of fallopian tube carcinoma. Another patient with BRCA-1 mutation had unexpected widespread primary peritoneal papillary serous adenocarcinoma. The final patient had a borderline malignant clear cell adenofibroma. These cases underscore the importance of peritoneal cytology and thorough sampling in the management of patients undergoing hysterectomy with a family history of breast/ovarian cancer and/or known BRCA-1/BRCA-2 mutations. As prophylactic surgeries are becoming more common secondary to advances in molecular diagnostics, pathologists need to be aware that surgical specimens from these patients may require more rigorous examination to uncover early neoplastic changes.


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