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Paternal uniparental isodisomy of tyrosine hydroxylase locus at chromosome 11p15.4: spectrum of phenotypical presentations simulating hydatidiform moles.

Buza N,McGregor SM,Barroilhet L,Zheng X,Hui P
阅读:402 Modern PathologyVolume 32 Issue 8, August 2019:1180-1188 


Uniparental disomy is an abnormal genetic condition in which both homologous chromosomes or part of the chromosome are inherited from one parent and the other parent's homologous chromosome is lost. We report three cases of gestations with paternal uniparental isodisomy at tyrosine hydroxylase or TH01 locus on chromosome 11p15.4 identified by DNA genotyping. The patients' age ranged from 32 to 35 years and all patients presented with missed abortion during the first trimester. Abnormal chorionic villi were seen in all cases with histomorphological and/or p57 immunohistochemical features simulating either partial or complete mole. While two patients had an uneventful clinical course, one patient presented with clinical complications simulating persistent gestational trophoblastic disease/neoplasia that required multiagent chemotherapy with etoposide, methotrexate, actinomycin D, vincristine, and cyclophosphamide (EMA-CO). In summary, paternal uniparental isodisomy of tyrosine hydroxylase locus at chromosome 11p15.4 may result in an abnormal gestation that simulates a hydatidiform mole both clinically and histologically. The presence of abnormal trophoblastic proliferation combined with loss of p57 expression in villous cytotrophoblast and stromal cells may be associated with an aggressive clinical behavior.


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