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Rete Testis Invasion Is Consistent With Pathologic Stage T1 in Germ Cell Tumors.

Farooq A,Jorda M,Whittington E,Kryvenko ON,Braunhut BL,Pavan N,Procházková K,Zhang L,Rai S,Miller T,Liu J,Szabo A,Iczkowski KA


Rete testis invasion by germ cell tumors is frequently concomitant with lymphovascular or spermatic cord invasion (LVI/SCI); independent implications for staging are uncertain.
In total, 171 seminomas and 178 nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCTs; 46 had 1%-60% seminoma component) came from five institutions. Metastatic status at presentation, as a proxy for severity, was available for all; relapse data were unavailable for 152. Rete direct invasion (ReteD) and rete pagetoid spread (ReteP) were assessed.
ReteP and ReteD were more frequent in seminoma than NSGCT. In seminoma, tumor size bifurcated at 3 cm or more or less than 3 cm predicted metastatic status. Tumors with ReteP or ReteD did not differ in size from those without invasions but were less than with LVI/SCI; metastatic status or relapse did not show differences. In NSGCT, ReteP/ReteD did not correlate with size, metastatic status, or relapse.
Findings support retaining American Joint Committee for Cancer pathologic T1 stage designation for rete testis invasion and pT1a/pT1b substaging of seminoma.


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