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Anatomic and terminological description and processing of breast pathologic specimens from oncoplastic large volume displacement surgeries.

Liang Y,Naber SP,Chatterjee A
阅读:358 Modern PathologyVolume 31 Issue 7, July 2018:1004-1011 


Oncoplastic surgery provides breast cancer patients with greater aesthetic satisfaction without compromising disease-free survival or overall survival rate. Large volume displacement oncoplastic surgical techniques have become increasingly popular as a strategy for improving aesthetic outcomes and extending the option of breast conservation therapy. They often involve breast reduction or mastopexy reconstructive techniques to facilitate resection of large breast volumes on the side of the breast cancer and accompanied with symmetry contralateral breast reductions or mastopexies. However, dissection of large volume displacement oncoplastic surgical specimens presents unique challenges. Compared with traditional mastectomy specimens, they are relatively complicated, which requires the pathologist to understand the surgical procedure and the anatomy of the specimens. Given this, we introduce the standard anatomical and terminological description for the breast pathologic specimens of five large volume displacement oncoplastic surgical techniques commonly performed in our institution for breast cancer management. The individual surgical specimen is composed of one or several components, which include lateral wall, superior keyhole, medial wall, lateral wing, inferior pole, and medial wing. We also present specimen documentation and sectioning procedures used in our institution. The advantages for the patient provided by large volume reduction oncoplastic surgery must be supported by proper evaluation of the surgical pathology specimen. Therefore, we recommend that each section taken from the oncoplastic specimen be labeled as to its specific location in the specimen components. Standardized nomenclature and technique will assist pathologists in accurately evaluating the surgical margins.


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