Context PathVysion-a US Food and Drug Administration-approved dual-probe human epidermal growth factor receptor ( HER2) fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay-provides the HER2: CEP17 ratio, a centromeric enumeration probe ratio for determining HER2 status in breast cancers. However, pericentromeric amplifications might then skew the HER2: CEP17 ratio, underestimating the HER2 status, which calls into question the use of CEP17 as the reference probe. Objective To analyze the utility of a noncentromeric chromosome 17 reference locus ( D17S122) to assess HER2 gene status in cases showing "nonclassical" FISH patterns with the CEP17 probe. Design The HER2 status of breast cancers accessioned in the years 2015-2017, displaying "nonclassical" or "equivocal" results by the PathVysion (Abbott Molecular Inc, Des Plaines, Illinois) HER2 DNA Probe Kit were reflex tested using an alternate FISH probe (ZytoLight SPEC/D17S122, ZytoVision, Bremerhaven, Germany) and interpreted with American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists 2013 guidelines. Results Of 37 cases, 17 were FISH equivocal. With the alternate D17S122 probe, 13 (76.4%) were reclassified as amplified, 3 (17.6%) as nonamplified, and a single case retained an equivocal result. Of the 17 cases with a chromosome 17 polysomy pattern, disomy, polysomy, and monosomy patterns were seen with 14 cases, 2 cases, and 1 case, respectively. Within the 17 cases with polysomy pattern, 3 (17.6%) demonstrated an unusual colocalization pattern of HER2 and CEP17, which was not observed with the alternate probe. Conclusions The denominator-stable alternate probe is a useful adjunct in the diagnostic armamentarium to analyze HER2 status in cases with FISH equivocal and complex patterns.