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Expanded molecular profiling of myxofibrosarcoma reveals potentially actionable targets.

Heitzer E,Sunitsch S,Gilg MM,Lohberger B,Rinner B,Kashofer K,Stündl N,Ulz P,Szkandera J,Leithner A,Liegl-Atzwanger B
阅读:445 Modern PathologyDec 2017; 30 (12): 1644 - 1772:1698-1709 


Myxofibrosarcomas are morphologically heterogeneous soft tissue sarcomas lacking a specific immunohistochemical expression profile and recurrent genetic changes. The study was designed to gain further insights into the molecular landscape of myxofibrosarcomas by targeted re-sequencing of known cancer driver hotspot mutations and the analysis of genomewide somatic copy number alterations. A well-defined group of myxofibrosarcomas, including myxofibrosarcomas G1 (n=6), myxofibrosarcomas G3 (n=7), myxofibrosarcomas with morphologically heterogeneous and independently selectable G1 and G3 areas within a tumor (n=8), and myxofibrosarcomas G3 with subsequent tumor recurrence (n=1) or metastatic disease (n=3) were evaluated. Mutational analysis demonstrated mutations in TP53, PTEN, FGFR3, CDKN2A, and RB1. TP53 mutations were seen in 11 (44%) of patients and detected in myxofibrosarcomas G1, G3, with heterogeneous morphology and G3 with subsequent metastases in 1 patient (16%), 3 patients (42%), 2 patients (62.5%), and 3 patients (75%), respectively. Additional mutations were detected in 2 patients, intratumoral mutational heterogeneity in 1 patient. We observed a variety of copy number alterations typical for myxofibrosarcomas, with higher numbers in G3 compared with G1 myxofibrosarcomas. Cluster analysis revealed distinctive features especially in metastatic and recurrent disease. Focal alterations affected CDKN2A, CCND1, CCNE1, EGFR, EPHA3, EPHB1, FGFR1, JUN, NF1, RB1, RET, TP53, and additional novel amplifications in CCNE1, KIT, EGFR, RET, BRAF, NTRK2 were seen in G3 compared with the G1 tumor areas. The total number of focal events in G1 versus G3 tumors differed significantly (P=0.0014). TRIO and RICTOR co-amplification was seen in 8 (44%) G3 and 1 (10%) G1 myxofibrosarcomas and RICTOR amplification alone in 4 (40%) G1 myxofibrosarcomas. TRIO amplification was significantly (P=0.0218) higher in G3 myxofibrosarcomas indicating a late genetic event. These findings support the use of expanded molecular profiling in myxofibrosarcomas to detect drug-able targets to allow patients to participate in basket trials.


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