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#InSituPathologists: how the #USCAP2015 meeting went viral on Twitter and founded the social media movement for the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology.


Cohen D,Allen TC,Balci S,Cagle PT,Teruya-Feldstein J,Fine SW,Gondim DD,Hunt JL,Jacob J,Jewett K,Jiang X',Kaplan KJ,Kulac I,Meunier R,Riddle ND,Rush PS,Stall J,Stuart LN,Terrano D,Uthman E,Wasco MJ,Williamson SR,Wu RI,Gardner JM
阅读:1075 Modern PathologyFeb 2017; 30 (2): 158 - 313:160-168 


Professional medical conferences over the past five years have seen an enormous increase in the use of Twitter in real-time, also known as "live-tweeting". At the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) 2015 annual meeting, 24 attendees (the authors) volunteered to participate in a live-tweet group, the #InSituPathologists. This group, along with other attendees, kept the world updated via Twitter about the happenings at the annual meeting. There were 6,524 #USCAP2015 tweets made by 662 individual Twitter users; these generated 5,869,323 unique impressions (potential tweet-views) over a 13-day time span encompassing the dates of the annual meeting. Herein we document the successful implementation of the first official USCAP annual meeting live-tweet group, including the pros/cons of live-tweeting and other experiences of the original #InSituPathologists group members. No prior peer-reviewed publications to our knowledge have described in depth the use of an organized group to "live-tweet" a pathology meeting. We believe our group to be the first of its kind in the field of pathology.



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