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Mixed Epithelial and Stromal Tumor of the Kidney: A Clinicopathologic Study of 53 Cases.


Caliò A,Eble JN,Grignon DJ,Delahunt B


Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney is an uncommon complex neoplasm, and previous studies have included only a modest number of cases and have left gaps in our understanding of its morphology. We analyzed 53 tumors (46 F, median age: 49 y), collecting data on gross, histologic, and immunohistochemical features. The most common gross appearance was solid and cystic (47%). Hypocellular fibrous and cellular spindle cell stroma were the most common stromal types, followed by smooth muscle differentiation, edematous stroma, and adipose tissue. Hypocellular fibrous stroma and adipose tissue were more common in larger tumors (P=0.003 and 0.04, respectively) and cellular spindle cell stroma in smaller tumors (P=0.0009). Combinations of diverse stromal elements were common: roughly 50% of tumors contained >4 types of stroma. With regard to epithelium, tiny crowded and branching glands were present in 60% of tumors. Round glands lined by tall cuboidal epithelium, reminiscent of thyroid follicles, spatulate papillae reminiscent of phyllodes tumor, glands reminiscent of nephrogenic adenoma, and complex papillae were also frequently found. Combinations of diverse epithelial elements were common: 64% of tumors contained >4 types of epithelium. All of the tumors except 1 were positive for smooth muscle actin in the stroma. Desmin and caldesmon expression were more variable. Stains for progesterone and estrogen receptors showed positivity in the stromal component in 85% and 73% of tumors, respectively. CD10 and CD34 immunolabeling were restricted to pericystic spindle cells. No tumor expressed inhibin. In summary, this study demonstrates a strong tendency for mixed epithelial and stromal tumors to contain multiple types of stroma and epithelium and comprehensively analyzes the immunohistochemical profile.



作者分析了53例该肿瘤(女性46例,中位年龄49岁)的大体观、组织形态学及免疫组织化学特征。大体观最常见的表现是实性和囊性(47%)。最常见的间质类型是少细胞的纤维性间质和富于细胞的梭形细胞间质,其次是伴平滑肌分化的间质、水肿样间质和出现脂肪组织;少细胞的纤维性间质和脂肪组织更常见于体积较大的肿瘤(分别为P=0.0030.04);富于细胞的梭形细胞间质更常见于体积较小的肿瘤(P=0.0009)。不同的间质成分常混合存在,大约50%的肿瘤含有>4种类型的间质。关于上皮,60%的肿瘤存在排列密集的分枝小腺体,圆形腺体衬覆着类似甲状腺滤泡的高立方上皮,类似叶状肿瘤中的分叶状乳头突起,或者类似肾源性腺瘤中的腺体,另外也常见复杂的乳头结构。不同的上皮成分常混合存在,64%的肿瘤含有>4种类型的上皮。除1例外所有肿瘤间质均表达平滑肌蛋白;Desmincaldesmon的表达差异较大;孕激素和雌激素受体阳性率分别为85%73%CD10 CD34仅限于囊周的梭形细胞免疫标记阳性;而所有肿瘤均不表达inhibin


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