Human papillomavirus testing and reporting rates in 2012: results of a college of american pathologists national survey.
Zhao C,Moriarty AT,Ghofrani M,Husain M,Tambouret RH,Laucirica R,Laser A,Fischer A,Ocal IT,Souers RJ,Russell DK,Fan F,Crothers BA
Context .- College of American Pathologists (CAP) surveys are used to establish national benchmarks for laboratory parameters. Objective .- To evaluate changes in laboratory human papillomavirus (HPV) testing patterns in laboratories incorporating HPV testing with Papanicolaou tests in 2012. Design .- Data were analyzed from the CAP HPV Supplemental Questionnaire distributed to 1771 laboratories participating in either CAP HPV or CAP Papanicolaou proficiency testing in 2013. Results .- A total of 1022 laboratories (58%) responded. There were more high-risk (HR) HPV tests performed per institution as compared to previous surveys. There were more HPV tests performed within an institution as compared to previous surveys. Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) remains the most common method (42.4%, 239 of 564); Cervista and cobas methods are used in 37.2% (210 of 564) and 14.9% (84 of 564) of laboratories, respectively. Human papillomavirus testing is offered as a reflex test after a Papanicolaou test result of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) in 89.6% of laboratories (476 of 531); as a cotest for women aged 30 years and older in 60.3% (404 of 531); as reflex testing after atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H) in 42.7% (320 of 531); and as reflex testing after atypical glandular cells (AGC) in 27.3% (145 of 531). The HPV-positive rates for ASC-US and ASC-H were similar in 2012 and 2006. Cervista (49.2%, 88 of 179) and Roche cobas (27.4%, 49 of 179) are the most common methods used for genotyping. Most laboratories use the CAP Human Papillomavirus for Cytology Program for proficiency testing. Conclusions .- There was an increase in annual volume of HR-HPV testing with a shift toward in-house HR-HPV testing. Genotyping volumes also increased. HC2 and Cervista are most commonly used, with an increasing volume of Roche cobas testing. The most common indication for HPV testing among all laboratories was ASC-US reflex testing, but an increase in HPV cotesting was observed. The data provide an update into persisting and newer trends in HPV testing practices.
背景:采用美国病理医师协会(CAP)的调查结果来建立全国标准的实验室参数。目的:评估2012年HPV检测与巴氏涂片检测同时开展的实验室中HPV检测方法的变化。设计:2013年将CAP制作的HPV附加调查表下发给参加CAP批准的HPV或巴氏涂片检测专业考核的1771家实验室,然后分析调查表数据。结果:总共1022个实验室(58%)参加了调查。与先前的调查相比,每一个实验室都进行了更多的高危型HPV(HR-HPV)检测,其中一个实验室进行了更多的HPV检测。杂交捕获2代(HC2)仍然是最常使用的检测方法(42.4%,239/564),而采用Cervista和Cobas(病毒核酸定量)检测方法的实验室分别为37.2%(210/564)和14.9%(84/564)。89.6%的实验室(476/531)对巴氏涂片检测结果为意义不明确的非典型鳞状上皮细胞(ASC-US)进行了反馈性HPV检测;60.3%(404/531)的实验室对30岁及30岁以上的女性进行了联合检测;42.7%(320/531)的实验室对巴氏涂片检测结果为不能除外高度上皮内病变的非典型鳞状上皮细胞(ASC-H)进行了反馈性HPV检测;27.3%(145/531)的实验室对巴氏涂片检测结果为非典型腺细胞(AGC)进行了反馈性HPV检测。2006年和2012年ASC-US和ASC-H的阳性率相似。Cervista(49.2%,88/179)和Roche cobas(27.4,49/179)是基因分型最常使用的方法。专业考核时大多数实验室采用CAP批准的HPV检测项目用于细胞学筛查程序。结论:每年HR-HPV检测的量都有增加,自发的倾向于HR-HPV检测。基因分型的量也在增加。HC2和Cervista是最常使用的方法,而Roche cobas检测的量也在增加。在所有的实验室中,HPV检测最常见的适应症为ASC-US的反馈性检测,但是也注意到联合HPV检测有所增加。这些数据为HPV检测实践提供了坚实的、较新趋势的最新资料。