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Cytokeratin-positive Fibroblastic Reticular Cell Tumor With Follicular Dendritic Cell Features: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.


Goto N,Tsurumi H,Takami T,Futamura M,Morimitsu K,Takata K,Sato Y,Yoshino T,Adachi S,Saito K,Yamakawa M


Fibroblastic reticular cell (FRC) neoplasms, which are one of the histiocyte tumor types, are very rare. Here we report a cytokeratin (CK)-positive FRC neoplasm having features of follicular dendritic cells in a 54-year-old woman with right axillary lymph node swelling. The resected lymph node showed multiple nodular aggregations simulating and replacing normal follicles. The tumor cells had a uniform, large and oval to polygonal shape, abundant cytoplasm, and various sizes of nuclei with central eosinophilic nucleoli and coarse nuclear chromatin. They were positive for CK AE1/AE3+CAM5.2, CK7, tenascin C, l-caldesomone, and CD21, weakly positive for S100, and negative for CD1a. Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells had long interdigitating microvillus-like cell processes and oval to elongated vesicular nuclei. In addition, the intercellular spaces contained accumulations of collagen, and some tumor cells had desmosomal-like junctions. These findings suggest that the present case is a CK-positive FRC tumor with follicular dendritic cell features.


纤维母细胞性网状细胞(FRC)肿瘤为组织细胞肿瘤的类型之一,非常罕见。在此我们报道一例角蛋白(CK)阳性的FRC肿瘤,并具有滤泡树突细胞的特征。患者女性,54岁,右腋窝淋巴结肿大。切除的淋巴结见多发性结节状细胞聚集灶,取代了正常滤泡,但又类似正常滤泡。肿瘤细胞形态一致,体积大,呈卵圆形至多角形,胞质丰富,核大小不一,核中央具有嗜酸性核仁,核染色质粗糙。肿瘤细胞呈CK AE1/AE3+CAM5.2、CK7、tenascin C、l-caldesomone和CD21阳性,S100蛋白弱阳性,CD1a阴性。电镜下,肿瘤细胞具有长的指突状微绒毛样细胞突起和卵圆形至长形空泡状核。此外,细胞之间含有堆积的胶原,部分肿瘤细胞有桥粒样连接。这些发现提示本例为CK阳性的FRC肿瘤伴滤泡树突细胞特征。

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