Müllerian adenosarcoma (MA) is a mixed Müllerian neoplasm composed of malignant stroma and benign epithelium. Endometrial and endocervical polyps are common entities in surgical pathology practice and most can be readily distinguished from MA; however, some have overlapping features, causing diagnostic confusion. In this study, we examined uterine polyps falling short of the diagnosis of MA quantitatively, qualitatively, or both. Our aims were to (1) characterize formally the morphologic features of atypical uterine polyps and (2) determine clinical outcome. Cases were evaluated for morphologic features of MA (phyllodes-like architecture, intraglandular polypoid projections, altered periglandular stroma, and stromal cytologic atypia), and the maximum number of mitoses per 10 high-power fields. The percentage involvement within a polyp by any atypical feature was estimated. The most common change was abnormal architecture, although periglandular stromal abnormalities and increased mitoses were also frequent findings. Stromal cytologic atypia was rare and when present was focal and mild. Histologic follow-up was performed in 24/29 (86%). Two patients had uterine polyps with unusual features similar to those noted on the initial biopsy. The remainder showed either polyp without unusual features or no residual polyp. Clinical follow-up information was available for 28/29 (97%). Twenty-seven of 28 were alive without evidence of disease, whereas 1 patient had died of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We have shown that uterine polyps with features overlapping with those of MA have a benign clinical course, even with conservative management, as no cases showed progression or malignant transformation.
苗勒氏腺肉瘤 (MA) 是一种由恶性间叶和良性上皮成分构成的苗勒氏肿瘤。子宫内膜和宫颈息肉是外科病理中的常见病变,大部分容易与MA区分,但是,某些病例却具有与MA相似的特征,导致了诊断上的困难。本研究中,我们检测了那些在量上或质上、或者在两个方面皆不足以诊断MA的子宫息肉,旨在(1)概括非典型子宫息肉的形态学特征,(2)明确其临床结局。我们对这些病例进行了MA形态学特征的评估(分叶状结构,向腺腔内呈息肉样突起,变异的腺周间质,间质细胞非典型增生)及每10个高倍视野的核分裂象数。对息肉中非典型区域所占的百分比也进行了评估。尽管腺周间质的异常和核分裂象增多也很常见,但最常见的变化是结构异常。间质细胞的非典型性罕见,就算有也是局灶而且轻微的。我们对29例病例中的24例 (86%)进行了组织学随访。其中2例患者的子宫息肉组织学形态与初次活检的形态有所差异。其余患者要么没有残留的息肉,要么息肉的形态与原来的形态相比没有差异。我们还对29例病例中的28例进行了临床随访 (97%)。28位患者中27例无病生存,而一例患者死于胰腺癌。我们已经证实与MA有相似特征的子宫息肉临床经过良性,即便保守治疗,也不会进展或恶变。