Only 25 cases of globular hepatic amyloidosis have been reported, mostly from the early 1980s. We reviewed clinical, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical features of 20 cases of hepatic globular amyloid out of 208 cases of liver amyloidosis seen at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology since 1970. Fourteen (70%) were men and 6 were women with a median age of 67 years (range, 40 to 92 y). More than half of the patients were Hispanic. Ten of 20 patients were diagnosed with systemic amyloidosis. Histologically, all cases revealed round to oval-shaped sometimes laminated globules, 1 to 40 mum in diameter, and 6 cases had evidence of transition from globular to the more usual linear form. In all 20 cases, Congo red and/or Sirius red stained the globules red and showed an apple green birefringence under polarized light. Portal tracts and parenchyma were involved in 15/20 the cases, and sinusoidal deposition alone in 5 cases. Vascular deposition was very common with more than 3/4 of the cases showing mainly perivenular amyloid with both the terminal hepatic venules and portal vein branches being equally involved. A few intrahepatocellular globules were present in half of the cases. In conclusion, hepatic amyloidosis can rarely occur as a globular form, and the finding of intracellular amyloid globules and transitional forms of globular to linear patterns of deposition suggest that this is an early form of hepatic involvement by systemic amyloidosis.