In the fight against cervical malignancy and its precursors, several adjuvant diagnostic methods have been proposed to increase the accuracy of cytologic and histologic diagnoses. Because chromosomal aneuploidy has been accepted as an early key event in tumorigenesis caused by genetic instability, the cytometric equivalent of chromosomal aneuploidy detected by DNA image cytometry (DNA-ICM) may serve as a marker of neoplasia. During the last decade, the appearance of a new generation of hardware with high processing and storage capacities, together with the development of appropriate software, has facilitated the development of high-performance DNA-ICM systems. International consensus on the clinical application of DNA-ICM has been reached. According to the statements of Task Force 8 of the International Consensus Conference on the Fight Against Cervical Cancer, indications for DNA-ICM include the identification of prospectively malignant cells in squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) and atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS). The European Society of Analytical Cellular Pathology consensus reports on DNA-ICM have provided standardized technical details on performance, terms, and algorithms for diagnostic data interpretation and quality-assurance procedures. Increasing biologic evidence and clinical data have confirmed the utility of DNA-ICM as an adjuvant method suitable for determining the diagnosis and prognosis of cervical intraepithelial lesions and invasive carcinoma. Patients with ASCUS and low-grade SIL diagnoses that reveal DNA euploidy may return for normal screening intervals, whereas the detection of DNA aneuploidy indicates that these lesions should be removed. Formerly a research tool, today, standardized DNA-ICM has become a useful and low-cost laboratory method to establish objectively and reproducibly an early diagnosis of prospectively progressive cervical intraepithelial lesions at a high-quality level. DNA-ICM may further contribute to the monitoring of treatment in patients with invasive cervical malignancies.