Glomus tumor is a rare mesenchymal neoplasm affecting the subcutaneous tissue of the distal extremities in the majority of cases. It only rarely involves visceral organs. We report 3 cases of the glomus tumor family in the kidney, a solid glomus tumor, a glomangioma, and a glomangiomyoma. All 3 tumors involved the renal parenchyma and occurred in 3 men aged 36, 81, and 48 years, respectively. All 3 tumors were well-circumscribed and showed morphology otherwise identical to those seen in soft tissue. All 3 tumors were immunoreactive for actin and negative for desmin and S100 and only 1 tumor expressed CD34 in tumor cells. To date, all 3 tumors have followed a benign course without evidence of recurrence or metastasis. This report expands the spectrum of mesenchymal tumors of the kidney.