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Reflex UroVysion testing of bladder cancer surveillance patients with equivocal or negative urine cytology: a prospective study with focus on the natural history of anticipatory positive findings.

Yoder BJ,Skacel M,Hedgepeth R,Babineau D,Ulchaker JC,Liou LS,Brainard JA,Biscotti CV,Jones JS,Tubbs RR


A proportion of patients under surveillance for recurrent bladder carcinoma with no immediate evidence of bladder tumor recurrence have positive multitarget fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH; UroVysion, Vysis, Downers Grove, IL) results. The course of these "anticipatory positive" cases and the time to bladder tumor recurrence remains unknown. We followed up 250 patients with urine cytologic results, concurrent multitarget FISH, and cystoscopic examination for recurrent urothelial carcinoma. Of 81 cases (32.4%) with FISH-positive results, tumor recurrence developed in 60 (74.0%). Of 169 (67.6%) FISH-negative cases, recurrent urothelial carcinoma developed in 22 (13.0%). Of 211 patients (84.4%) with negative cystoscopic examination results, 56 (26.5%) had positive FISH results, and in 35 (62.5%) of these patients, recurrent urothelial carcinoma developed. Approximately 27% of patients under bladder carcinoma surveillance without immediate evidence of tumor recurrence will have a positive FISH result, defining the anticipatory positive subset. In about 65% of this anticipatory positive group, recurrent bladder urothelial carcinoma developed within 29 months.


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