Elevated T-cell leukemia-1 (TCL1) oncoprotein expression might promote human Burkitt lymphoma (BL) because increased TCL1 causes Burkitt-like lymphomas in TCL1 transgenic mice. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection has been implicated as a cause of increased TCL1 expression in multiple BL cell lines, suggesting a critical connection between EBV and TCL1-induced BL. The TCL1 expression and EBV status of 14 sporadic pediatric BL cases was determined by immunohistochemical staining for TCL1 and in situ hybridization for EBV-encoded RNA (EBER). Our results showed TCL1 protein in 11 cases, predominantly in the nucleus with strong-intensity staining. EBER was positive in 4 cases, with 3 of these cases also TCL1+. In the 10 cases that were EBER-, TCL1 was strongly positive in 8. These data indicate that the TCL1 oncoprotein is expressed strongly in most pediatric BL cases. However, persistent EBV is not essential for increased TCL1 expression, although elevated TCL1 and c-MYC coexpression might cooperate in the development of most pediatric and adult BL cases.