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Real-time quantitative PCR analysis of gene dosages reveals gene amplification in low-grade oligodendrogliomas.

Alonso ME,Bello MJ,Arjona D,Martinez-Glez V,de Campos JM,Isla A,Kusak E,Vaquero J,Gutierrez M,Sarasa JL,Rey JA


Proto-oncogene amplification is an important alteration that is present in about 45% to 50% of high-grade human gliomas. We studied this mechanism in 8 genes (cyclin-dependent kinase-4 [CDK4], MDM2, MDM4, renin-angiotensin system-1, ELF3, GAC1, human epidermal growth factor receptor-2, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-A gene) in a series of 40 oligodendrogliomas (World Health Organization (WHO) grade II, 21; WHO grade III, 13; and WHO grade II-III oligoastrocytomas, 6) using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Amplification of at least 1 of these genes was detected in 58% of samples (23/40). By histopathologic grade, 67% of grade II oligodendrogliomas (14/21), 46% of grade III anaplastic oligodendrogliomas (6/13), and 50% of mixed oligoastrocytomas (3/6) were positive for amplification of at least 1 gene. CDK4, MDM2, and GAC1 were the most frequently involved genes (12/40 [30%], 12/40 [30%], and 13/40 [33%], respectively). Our findings demonstrate gene amplification in low-grade samples indicating that it is an important alteration in the early steps of oligodendroglioma development and, therefore, might be considered a molecular mechanism leading to malignant progression toward anaplastic forms.


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