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B-cell lymphomas with coexpression of CD5 and CD10.

Dong HY,Gorczyca W,Liu Z,Tsang P,Wu CD,Cohen P,Weisberger J


Coexpression of CD5 and CD10 is highly unusual in B-cell lymphomas and may pose a diagnostic challenge. We report 42 cases of B-cell lymphoma with simultaneous expression of CD5 and CD10. They made up approximately 0.4% of all B-cell lymphomas seen during the study period and included the following cases: large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL), 14 (33%); follicular lymphoma (FL), 10 (24%); mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), 9 (21%); chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 4 (10%); acute precursor B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma, 2 (5%); and other low-grade B-cell lymphomas, 3 (7%). All MCLs had overexpression of bcl-1 or the t(11;14) and were CD43+. All FLs had typical histomorphologic features and were bcl-2+ and bcl-6+ but CD43-. Of 14 LBCLs, 5 were histologically high-grade. Six (43%) of 14 patients with LBCL died within 10 months of diagnosis of CD5+CD10+ lymphoma (median survival, 4 months), including all 3 patients with stage IV disease and 2 of 5 with histologically high-grade lymphoma. Our findings indicate that coexpression of CD5 and CD10 is rare but occurs in diverse subtypes of B-cell lymphoma. Investigation of bcl-1, bcl-6, and CD43 and morphologic evaluation may resolve the potential confusion in diagnosis and lead to the recognition of the correct lymphoma subtype.


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