Similar to critical values (CVs) in clinical pathology, occasional diagnoses in surgical pathology and cytology could require immediate notification of the physician to rapidly initiate treatment. However, there are no established CV guidelines in anatomic pathology. A retrospective review of surgical pathology reports was recently conducted to study the incidence of CVs in surgical pathology and to survey the perceptions of pathologists and clinicians about CVs in surgical pathology, with a similar analysis of CVs performed in cytology. The results indicated that CVs in surgical pathology and cytology are uncommon but not rare and that there is a wide range of opinion among pathologists and between pathologists and clinicians about the need for an immediate telephone call and about the degree of urgency. It was obvious from the study that there is a lack of consensus in identifying what constitutes surgical pathology and cytology CV cases. Since the Institute of Medicine's report on medical errors, there has been an increasing number of initiatives to improve patient safety. Having guidelines for anatomic pathology CVs could enhance patient safety, in contrast to the current practice in which CV cases are managed based on common sense and on personal experience. Therefore, a discussion involving the pathology community might prove useful in an attempt to establish anatomic pathology CV guidelines that could represent a practice improvement.