We tested 417 cases of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded normal or hyperplastic gynecologic tissues as well as neoplasms involving the gynecologic tract with a monoclonal antibody against CD10 (clone 56C6), with special emphasis on epithelial and epithelial-like structures and tumors. CD10 was always expressed in mesonephric remnants (mesonephric remnants of the uterine cervix, epoophoron, rete ovarii) and tumors (mesonephric adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix, tumors of wolffian origin of the broad ligament and ovary). CD10 was also positive in the syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast, and intermediate trophoblast of normal gestations, partial and complete moles, choriocarcinoma, and placental site trophoblastic tumors. Finally, CD10 was positive in several metastatic neoplasms to the gynecologic tract (100% in metastatic renal clear cell and intestinal carcinomas and melanomas). In contrast, CD10 was almost invariably negative in müllerian epithelia of the female genital tract and in their corresponding tumors, with the exception of focal expression found in squamous epithelia and tumors with squamous differentiation. Thus, the expression of CD10 may be useful in the establishing the diagnosis of mesonephric and trophoblastic tumors and in the differential diagnosis between gynecologic clear cell carcinoma (always negative) and metastatic clear cell carcinoma of renal origin.