To present the current understanding of factor V Leiden and activated protein C resistance, and to propose a laboratory testing algorithm.
Publications on MEDLINE with the terms factor V Leiden or activated protein C resistance through mid 2001, as well as publications in the authors' files, were screened for inclusion in this report.
Original studies that report a novel finding on testing or clinical features of activated protein C resistance or factor V Leiden are included. Data Extraction.-The novel or key findings from the selected studies are analyzed.
Protein C and protein S are the integral components of an anticoagulation pathway that limits fibrinogen conversion to fibrin through the degradation of factors Va and VIIIa. When factor Va is resistant to degradation by activated protein C, this anticoagulation pathway does not operate properly, and patients have an increased risk for thrombosis. This report describes the protein C/protein S pathway, the significance of activated protein C resistance and the factor V Leiden mutation, and the clinical testing used to detect activated protein C resistance and the factor V Leiden mutation. A proposed laboratory testing algorithm is also provided.
Factor V Leiden is a risk factor for venous thrombosis and it is particularly common in white populations. A laboratory testing algorithm is proposed.