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Genetic analysis of pleomorphic and florid lobular carcinoma in situ variants: frequent ERBB2/ERBB3 alterations and clonal relationship to classic lobular carcinoma in situ and invasive lobular carcinoma.

Shamir ER,Chen YY,Krings G
阅读:173 Modern PathologyVolume 33 Issue 6, June 2020:1078-1091 


Pleomorphic (PLCIS) and florid (FLCIS) lobular carcinoma in situ are rare histologic variants of LCIS that are considered more aggressive than classic LCIS (CLCIS), but optimal treatment is controversial. The genetic drivers of these lesions and their clonal relationships to paired CLCIS and ILC have not been characterized. We used capture-based next-generation sequencing to profile 16 LCIS variants (ten PLCIS, six FLCIS), including paired synchronous ILC and CLCIS in 11 and nine cases, respectively. Recurrent pathogenic alterations included CDH1 (9/10 PLCIS, 6/6 FLCIS), PIK3CA (7/10 PLCIS, 2/6 FLCIS), ERBB2 (6/10 PLCIS, 2/6 FLCIS; six mutations, two amplifications), ERBB3 (1/10 PLCIS, 2/6 FLCIS), FOXA1 (4/10 PLCIS, 1/6 FLCIS), TP53 (3/10 PLCIS), and CCND1 (2/10 PLCIS, 1/6 FLCIS). Mutational profiles and mean copy number alterations (CNA) were similar between LCIS variants with and without ILC. Compared with ILC in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), PLCIS, FLCIS, and associated ILC were enriched for ERBB2 mutations, and PLCIS was enriched for TP53 and FOXA1 mutations. Shared pathogenic mutations and CNA were identified between the LCIS variant and ILC in all cases, and between CLCIS and the LCIS variant/ILC in 89%. CLCIS to PLCIS progression was associated with increased mean nonsynonymous mutations and additional pathogenic alterations and/or CNA in 80%. Mean nonsynonymous mutations and CNA were similar between PLCIS and ILC, although additional pathogenic mutations were associated with invasion in a subset (43%). FLCIS harbored additional clonal pathogenic mutations in only 1/3 cases, and these were not shared with ILC, which was genetically divergent. In another case, ILC was genetically more similar to CLCIS than FLCIS. The results highlight clonal relationships between PLCIS/FLCIS and CLCIS, and implicate PLCIS as a genetically advanced ILC precursor. Frequent ERBB2/ERBB3 alterations in PLCIS and FLCIS are consistent with more aggressive behavior and may have prognostic and therapeutic implications.


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