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Clinicopathologic characteristics of poorly differentiated chordoma.

Shih AR,Cote GM,Chebib I,Choy E,DeLaney T,Deshpande V,Hornicek FJ,Miao R,Schwab JH,Nielsen GP,Chen YL
阅读:257 Modern PathologyVolume 31 Issue 8, August 2018:1237-1245 


Chordoma is a rare malignant tumor of bone with high morbidity and mortality. Recently, aggressive pediatric poorly differentiated chordoma with SMARCB1 loss has been described. This study summarizes the clinicopathologic features of poorly differentiated chordoma with SMARCB1 loss in the largest series to date. A search of records between 1990-2017 at MGH identified 19 patients with poorly differentiated chordoma. Immunohistochemical stains were evaluated. Kaplan-Meier survival statistics and log-rank (Mantel Cox) tests compared survival with other subtypes. The patients (n = 19) were diagnosed at a median age of 11 years (range: 1-29). Tumors arose in the skull base and clivus (n = 10/19; 53%); cervical spine (n = 6/19; 32%); and sacrum or coccyx (n = 3/19; 16%). The clinical stage of these patients (AJCC 7e) was stage 2A (n = 7/16; 44%); stage 2B (n = 6/16; 38%); stage 4A (n = 1/16; 6%); and stage 4B (n = 2/16; 13%). The tumors were composed of sheets of epithelioid cells with nuclear pleomorphism, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, and increased mitoses. Tumors were positive for cytokeratin (n = 18/18; 100%) and brachyury (n = 18/18; 100%). Patients were treated with a combination of excision, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. No difference in overall survival, progression free survival, local control time, and metastasis free survival was identified between poorly differentiated chordoma of the skull base and of the spine. Compared to other chordoma subtypes, poorly differentiated chordoma has a significantly decreased mean overall survival after stratification by site (p = 0.037). Pediatric poorly differentiated chordoma has a distinct clinical and immunohistochemical profile, with characteristic SMARCB1 loss and decreased survival compared to conventional/chondroid chordoma. Recognition of this subtype is important because these malignancies should be treated aggressively with multimodality therapy.


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