Lee WC,Diao L,Wang J,Zhang J,Roarty EB,Varghese S,Chow CW,Fujimoto J,Behrens C,Cascone T,Peng W,Kalhor N,Moran CA,Weissferdt A,Johnson FM,William WN,Swisher SG,Lee JJ,Hong WK,Heymach JV,Wistuba II,Futreal PA,Zhang J
Intra-tumor heterogeneity may be present at all molecular levels. Genomic intra-tumor heterogeneity at the exome level has been reported in many cancer types, but comprehensive gene expression intra-tumor heterogeneity has not been well studied. Here, we delineated the gene expression intra-tumor heterogeneity by exploring gene expression profiles of 35 tumor regions from 10 non-small cell lung cancer tumors (three or four regions/tumor), including adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large-cell carcinoma, and pleomorphic carcinoma of the lung. Using Affymetrix Gene 1.0 ST arrays, we generated the gene expression data for every sample. Inter-tumor heterogeneity was generally higher than intra-tumor heterogeneity, but some tumors showed a substantial level of intra-tumor heterogeneity. The analysis of various clinically relevant gene expression signatures including molecular subtype, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and anti-PD-1 resistance signatures also revealed heterogeneity between different regions of the same tumor. The gene expression intra-tumor heterogeneity we observed was associated with heterogeneous tumor microenvironments represented by stromal and immune cells infiltrated. Our data suggest that RNA-based prognostic or predictive molecular tests should be carefully conducted in consideration of the gene expression intra-tumor heterogeneity.