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Inflammatory leiomyosarcoma is a distinct tumor characterized by near-haploidization, few somatic mutations, and a primitive myogenic gene expression signature.

Arbajian E,Köster J,Vult von Steyern F,Mertens F
阅读:557 Modern PathologyJan 2018; 31 (1): 2 - 209:93-100 


Inflammatory leiomyosarcoma is a soft-tissue tumor resembling conventional leiomyosarcoma, but with a prominent intrinsic inflammatory component. Previous studies have suggested that inflammatory leiomyosarcoma differs genetically from leiomyosarcoma, but in-depth analyses are lacking. Here we provide a comprehensive picture of the genome and transcriptome of inflammatory leiomyosarcoma by combining cytogenetic, single-nucleotide polymorphism array, mRNA-sequencing, and whole-exome sequencing data. The results show that inflammatory leiomyosarcoma has a specific genetic profile characterized by near-haploidization with or without subsequent whole-genome doubling. Consistently, both parental copies of chromosomes 5 and 22 are preserved. Apart from recurrent mutation of the NF1 gene, additional somatic events that could serve as driver mutations were not found at either the nucleotide or the genome level. Furthermore, no fusion transcripts were identified. Global gene expression profiling revealed particularly prominent differential expression of genes, including ITGA7, MYF5, MYF6, MYOD1, MYOG, and PAX7, involved in muscle development and function, providing strong argument for grouping inflammatory leiomyosarcoma with myogenic sarcomas, rather than with myofibroblastic lesions. Combined with previously published data, there are now 10 cases of inflammatory leiomyosarcoma with confirmed near-haploid genotype. These patients differ from leiomyosarcoma patients in being younger (median 41 years), showing a male predominance (9:1), and few relapses (1 of 8 informative patients). Thus, the clinical, morphological, and genetic data provide compelling support for inflammatory leiomyosarcoma being a distinct subtype of myogenic tumors.


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