The detection of tyrosinase mRNA in sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is a sensitive indicator for the presence of melanoma or nevus cells, but it does not enable a distinction between both. We have established an efficient method for extraction and reverse transcription of tyrosinase mRNA from paraffin sections that permits the close correlation of the RT-PCR results with (immuno)histologic findings in adjacent sections. One hundred fifty-three SLNs and 6 non-SLN specimens originating from 92 melanoma and 4 nonmelanoma patients were studied to test the reliability of this approach. The predictive value of positive RT-PCR results was 0.98 for the presence of melanoma or nevus cells; the corresponding negative predictive value was 0.83. Furthermore, the detection rate of tyrosinase mRNA significantly correlated with tumor burden. Among the 33 melanoma-positive SLNs without nevus cells, positive RT-PCR results were obtained in all specimens with extended peripheral (S2) or deeply invasive (S3) micrometastases but in only 46% of the cases with few localized melanoma cells in the subcapsular zone (S1). Routine (immuno)histologic evaluation alone had missed microclusters of melanoma cells in one SLN and small nevus cell aggregates in six other SLNs. They were detected only during microscopic reexamination caused by a positive RT-PCR result. We conclude that histology and immunohistochemistry remain the indispensable gold standard for the identification of melanoma and nevus cells in SLNs. Additional molecular analyses using adjacent paraffin sections may further improve the diagnostic accuracy by sensitizing and guiding the microscopist's attention.