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Evaluation of three commercial progesterone receptor assays in a single tamoxifen-treated breast cancer cohort.

Kornaga EN,Klimowicz AC,Guggisberg N,Ogilvie T,Morris DG,Webster M,Magliocco AM
阅读:311 Modern PathologyDec 2016; 29 (12): 1444 - 1594:1492-1500 


Estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor status are routinely assessed using immunohistochemistry assays to assist in patient prognosis and clinical management. Three commonly utilized autostainer vendors-Dako, Leica and Ventana-provide ready-to-use progesterone receptor assays; however, they have never been directly compared in a single breast cancer cohort. We looked at three immunohistochemical progesterone receptor assays, in addition to original ligand-binding assay results, in a single retrospective, tamoxifen-treated breast cancer cohort to investigate inter- and intra-observer agreement, concordance, prognostic ability and measures of test performance. All immunohistochemical assays utilized the manufacturer's specified protocols. Five-year disease-free survival was the endpoint of interest, and multivariate models were adjusted for lymph node status, tumor grade, tumor size and human epidermal growth factor 2 status. All assays showed substantial to almost perfect agreement between the three observers (Dako κ=0.69-0.90; Leica κ=0.70-0.89; and Ventana κ=0.78-0.94) and concordance (Dako/Leica κ=0.81; Dako/Ventana κ=0.78; and Leica/Ventana κ=0.82). Univariate survival analyses showed that only the ligand-binding assay, Dako and Ventana assays achieved statistical significance. No statistically significant results were seen in multivariate models, although a strong trend was seen with the Ventana progesterone receptor assay. All assays performed similarly with regards to measures of test performance with ligand-binding assay set as the reference, and all immunohistochemical assays outperformed the ligand-binding assay in regards to 5-year disease-free survival. Despite similar agreement and concordance with the progesterone receptor assays, clear differences were noted with regards to 5-year disease-free survival. Additional survival analyses suggest that clinical utility of estrogen receptor assays vary when investigated in combination with progesterone receptor.


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