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Complex Measurements May Be Required to Establish the Prognostic Impact of Immunophenotypic Markers in AML.

García-Dabrio MC,Hoyos M,Brunet S,Tormo M,Ribera JM,Esteve J,Gallardo D,Duarte RF,de Llano MP,Bargay J,Martí-Tutusaus JM,Heras I,Garcia A,Salamero O,Aventin A,Lecrevisse Q,Orfao A,Sierra J,Nomdedéu JF


The prognostic impact of immunophenotypic markers in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is controversial.
We retrospectively analyzed the value of CD34, CD117, CD7, and CD123 expression in a consecutive series of 592 adult patients with de novo AML.
CD34+ measured as a percentage (≥2.88%) and CD34 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) (≥146.79, arbitrary units [AU]) expression had a prognostic impact in terms of overall survival (OS; P = .005, P = .003), leukemia-free survival (LFS; P = .011, P < .001), and cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR; P = .014, P =. 001). The percentage of CD117+ cells (61.29%) was associated with shorter LFS (P =. 043), and CD117 MFI (≥284.01 AU) was associated with a shorter OS (P =. 033) and LFS (P =. 028). In the multivariate analysis, high CD34 MFI retained the independent value as predictor of LFS and CIR (P =. 012; hazard ratio [HR], 1.59; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.11-2.28 and P =. 045; HR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.01-2.46).
CD34 positivity threshold with prognostic relevance is low (3% positive cells). Immunophenotypic findings in AML probably could only be fully exploited after a complex analysis that takes into account unconventional thresholds and the MFI.


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