Manfrin E,Remo A,Pancione M,Cannizzaro C,Falsirollo F,Pollini GP,Pellini F,Molino A,Brunelli M,Vendraminelli R,Ceccarelli M,Pagnotta SM,Simeone I,Bonetti F
Extensive peritumoral neoplastic lymphovascular invasion (ePVI) is a marker of aggressiveness in invasive breast carcinoma (BC).
We explored the impact of ePVI on different BC subtypes. In a total of 2,116 BCs, 91 ePVI-BCs, 70 inflammatory breast carcinomas (IBCs), and 114 casual BCs as a control group (CG-BC) were recruited.
Patients affected by ePVI-BC were younger, had larger tumors, higher histologic grade, elevated Ki-67 score, Her2/neu overexpressed, and more lymph node metastases compared with CG-BC (P < .001). Interestingly, only younger mean age at diagnosis differentiated patients with ePVI-BC from patients affected by IBC. ePVI-BC showed a clinical outcome intermediate between the prognoses of IBC and CG-BC.
Results suggest that ePVI-BC and IBC may share some pathologic processes, providing a novel perspective on the heterogeneity of BC. Epidemiologic data and molecular studies on gene expression features are needed to rationally classify these tumors into their identified subtypes.