We report 2 cases of bland, otherwise nondescript axillary lymph node inclusions that have the immunophenotype of endosalpingiosis in patients with concurrent invasive breast carcinomas. Neither inclusion demonstrated the classic morphology of endosalpingiosis with admixed ciliated and secretory cells. Rather, both cases were composed of nondescript cuboidal to columnar bland epithelial cells situated within the lymph node capsule. Whereas both inclusions labeled diffusely for estrogen receptor and lacked evidence of a myoepithelial component, both labeled diffusely for PAX8 and WT-1, which distinguished them from their corresponding concurrent primary mammary carcinomas. These findings suggest that a subset of otherwise nondescript axillary lymph node inclusions represent endosalpingiosis and highlight the utility of PAX8 and WT-1 immunohistochemistry in distinguishing these from metastatic well-differentiated ductal carcinoma.