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Proposed objective criteria for "grade 3" in early invasive colorectal cancer.

Ueno H,Hashiguchi Y,Kajiwara Y,Shinto E,Shimazaki H,Kurihara H,Mochizuki H,Hase K


To establish objective criteria for "grade 3" (G3) in T1 (TNM staging) colorectal cancer (CRC), a total of 296 T1 CRC cases were reviewed. The incidence of nodal involvement differed most greatly between G3 and non-G3 (21/27 [27%] and 6/162 [3.7%], respectively; P < .0001), when G3 was applied to tumors containing either or both of the following: (1) 10 or more solid cancer nests in the microscopic field of a 4x objective lens and (2) a mucin-producing component fully occupied the microscopic field of a 40x objective lens. Regarding G3, vascular invasion, and tumor budding as indicating the risk of metastasis, nodal involvement rate was 21.0% in the tumors with 1 or more risk factors, whereas it was only 1.7% in the no-risk tumors (P < .0001). In patients treated with local excision only, nodal recurrence occurred in 3 (20%) of 15 risk-positive patients, whereas none of 42 patients without risk factors had nodal recurrence (P = .016). In cases of locally excised T1 CRC, G3 as determined by the proposed criteria, vascular invasion, and budding would comprise a useful combination of parameters for determining the indication for additional laparotomy.


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