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Clinicopathologic findings in high-grade B-cell lymphomas with typical Burkitt morphologic features but lacking the MYC translocation.

Sevilla DW,Gong JZ,Goodman BK,Buckley PJ,Rosoff P,Gockerman JP,Lagoo AS


In the World Health Organization classification, cases with classical Burkitt morphologic features and a very high proliferation fraction but without the MYC translocation are not clearly designated as a separate entity and are usually categorized as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). We identified from our records 33 cases of highly aggressive mature B-cell neoplasms from 8 children and 25 adults with typical Burkitt cytomorphologic, histologic, and immunophenotypic (CD20+/CD10+ and surface immunoglobulin-positive) features. Rearrangement of MYC (MYC+) was present in only 18 of 33 cases, but the proliferation fraction was more than 90% in all MYC-cases (no MYC rearrangement). The immunophenotype of the lymphoma cells in the 2 groups was similar. Although children with MYC+ and MYC- neoplasms were treated with chemotherapy regimens appropriate for Burkitt lymphoma, adults with MYC- lymphomas received less aggressive therapy usually given for DLBCL. Survival analysis showed that adults in the MYC- group had an inferior outcome compared with adults with MYC+ disease. Provisional identification of MYC- lymphomas with typical Burkitt morphologic features as an entity separate from DLBCL will facilitate further studies and possible categorization as a separate entity.


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