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A direct comparison between lamellar body counts and fluorescent polarization methods for predicting respiratory distress syndrome.

Haymond S,Luzzi VI,Parvin CA,Gronowski AM


Our objective was to directly compare the diagnostic usefulness of lamellar body counting (LBC) and the TDx-FLM II assay (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL) for predicting respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). This was a 5-year, retrospective, cohort study. A diagnosis of RDS was given to infants who received surfactant treatment and/or required ventilator support and/or continuous positive airway pressure for more than 24 hours. There were 172 infants without RDS and 12 with RDS included in the study. By using a TDx-FLM II cutoff of 55 mg/g or more for maturity, the sensitivity was 83%, specificity was 65%, predictive value of a mature result was 98%, and predictive value of an immature result was 14%. These results were similar to LBC using a cutoff of 50,000/microL or more with sensitivity of 92%, a specificity of 60%, a predictive value of a mature result of 99%, and a predictive value of an immature result of 14%. The LBC and TDx-FLM II methods have similar clinical usefulness.


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