Recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) has become available for treating people with hemophilia with inhibitors who experience bleeding or require surgery. It has become apparent that rFVIIa is useful in controlling bleeding in a variety of clinical situations. This review attempts to collate and summarize the nonhemophilia applications of rFVIIa. The theoretical mechanism for the coagulation and hemostatic effects of rFVIIa are discussed. The dosage and clinical administration are described. The potential uses for patients with liver disease, anticoagulation-induced bleeding, surgery, thrombocytopenia, thrombasthenia, von Willebrand disease, and other bleeding disorders are reviewed. The use of rFVIIa is evolving, and the indications, dosage, and precautions or contraindications need to be further described and defined. It is an expensive therapy and needs to be prescribed judiciously. This review is meant to be an introduction to this new hemostatic reagent. The uses for rFVIIa will evolve as more studies are published.