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Intestinal metaplasia of the esophagus or esophagogastric junction: evidence of distinct clinical, pathologic, and histochemical staining features.

van Sandick JW,van Lanschot JB,van Felius L,Haringsma J,Tytgat GN,Dekker W,Drillenburg P,Offerhaus GJ,ten Kate FJ


Our purpose was to evaluate the clinical, histologic, and histochemical staining characteristics of intestinal metaplasia (IM) at an endoscopically normal-appearing esophagogastric junction (IM-EGJ) compared with IM in a columnar-lined esophagus (IM-CLE). A prospective study included 253 patients referred for elective upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Biopsy specimens were obtained from 2 cm above and immediately distal to the squamocolumnar junction, the gastric corpus, and the antrum. Any red mucosa above the EGJ was sampled. IM-CLE (prevalence, 5.5%) typically occurred in white male smokers with a long history of reflux symptoms. IM-EGJ (prevalence, 9.1%) was associated with corpus and antrum gastritis and with IM at these sites. IM-CLE usually (13/14 [93%]) was the incomplete type IM, whereas only 12 (52%) of 23 patients in the IM-EGJ group had incomplete IM. IM-EGJ and IM-CLE should be considered as separate entities. Further research is needed to evaluate whether neoplastic progression of IM-EGJ is related to its mucin profile.


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