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Precursor B-lymphoblastic transformation of grade I follicle center lymphoma.

Kroft SH,Domiati-Saad R,Finn WG,Dawson DB,Schnitzer B,Singleton TP,Ross CW


Part of the natural history of follicle center lymphoma (FCL) is transformation to a more aggressive neoplasm, almost always a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. We describe a rare example of a precursor B-lymphoblastic transformation of grade I FCL occurring in a 45-year-old woman 12 years after initial presentation and 3 years after successful treatment for a diffuse large cell transformation. The lymphoblastic lymphoma shared the same immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement as the FCL as assessed by polymerase chain reaction amplification and direct sequencing, as well as identical kappa light chain gene rearrangements by Southern blot analysis. The immunoglobulin heavy chain variable gene sequences of both tumors showed numerous identical base substitutions compared with germline sequences and 3 additional mutations in the lymphoblastic lymphoma not present in the low-grade FCL. These results indicate origin of the lymphoblastic process from the mature follicle center B-cell clone, rather than divergent origin of the 2 tumors from a common immature B-cell precursor.


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